Blog Archive


To avoid "cacophonie" desable the music of the blog to watch this presentation
(on the left side of the blog)

you can download this presentation here :

Nubia_group : nowhere else!


Wishing you a Worry Free Day ! ~

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
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Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!

READ MORE - Wishing you a Worry Free Day ! ~

Spring Will Come Again ...

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you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.



READ MORE - Spring Will Come Again ...

Give yourself praise...

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
source :
READ MORE - Give yourself praise...

My Hero...

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nice cards designed by our friend and member Xenia Yasmin (Greece)
READ MORE - My Hero...


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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Lovely Card designed by our friend and member Marietha Scholtz
READ MORE - Love...

Nice Quotes to start your day ! (Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes-2)

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
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Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!

READ MORE - Nice Quotes to start your day ! (Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes-2)

Are you an April Fool ???

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Credit Scrap : Kit by kay Miller "over the rainbow" -
READ MORE - Are you an April Fool ???

Foolish worries

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!

READ MORE - Foolish worries

JAPAN -Maximum nuclear alert - march 30

God Made All Things

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!

READ MORE - God Made All Things

Why Don't We Pray ?

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.


READ MORE - Why Don't We Pray ?

Nice Quotes to start your day ! (Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes-1)

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save the picture on your hard disk - clic right and "save target as"
These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nubia_group : nowhere else!

READ MORE - Nice Quotes to start your day ! (Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes-1)

Enduring Faith

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nice cards designed by our friend and member Xenia Yasmin (Greece)
READ MORE - Enduring Faith

Love is...

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save the picture on your hard disk - clic right and "save target as"
These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Lovely Card designed by our friend and member Marietha Scholtz
READ MORE - Love is...

You Can Rise Above Reality

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!

READ MORE - You Can Rise Above Reality

Church of Nativity Bethlehem

To avoid "cacophonie" desable the music of the blog to watch this presentation
(on the left side of the blog)

you can download this presentation here :

Nubia_group : nowhere else!

READ MORE - Church of Nativity Bethlehem

The Road to God

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!

READ MORE - The Road to God

A New Day

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
credit SCRAP : Credit SCRAP : QP GRAZIELLA MENDES "spring"


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save the picture on your hard disk - clic right and "save target as"
These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Nice cards designed by our friend and member Xenia Yasmin (Greece)
READ MORE - Serenity

Marriage is...

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save the picture on your hard disk - clic right and "save target as"
These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Lovely Card designed by our friend and member Marietha Scholtz
READ MORE - Marriage is...

Don't look back!

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save the picture on your hard disk before you use it to protect our bandwith
These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personnal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
Credit : Word art vickief
READ MORE - Don't look back!

Prove Your Worth !

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!

READ MORE - Prove Your Worth !

Peoples' Problems

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These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!
credit : blue background "Benthai design"
READ MORE - Peoples' Problems


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save the picture on your hard disk - clic right and "save target as"
These cards are for the exclusive use of Nubia_group members, subscribers and followers
you can send them to your friends, family, collegues or to add them on your home page, blog , site etc...
Only Rule you must follow : Be respectful :
you are not allowed to edit the cards or remove the credits and watermarks -you are also not allowed to redistribute Nubia_group contents

in other yahoo groups, google groups or any kind of groups or forums
the Nubia_group Morning cards are for personal use only - thanks to respect our rules.

Nubia_group : nowhere else!

READ MORE - Trust...